Friday, February 18, 2011

9 Months - Week 2

The Holden's had a great week! That isn't abnormal these days but between birthdays and Valentine's Day, it was a busy week.

This week Carter has decided that everything is hilarious. Mom hitting her head on a balloon... hilarious. Dad hitting Carter with an envelope... belly buster. Peek-a-boo... can't contain himself. Banging his piano, someone pointing at him, funny faces, dogs wrestling... all funny.

Carter continues to do well at daycare. He has adjusted to his new room really well. He is down to 2 bottles a day at daycare. And this week he ate the daycare food for lunch each day, no more baby food during the week for lunch. Carter had vegetable soup, chicken & rice, tacos and sloppy joes plus the usual fruits, veggies and snacks. It was quite the week. We can tell he is really getting into the finger food as feeding him baby food at home is becoming more difficult so we are trying to also go the finger food route as much as possible. So far it's going ok. We need to do a better job of cooking Carter can gum easily. Hopefully that 2nd top tooth will come in soon. Either way Carter seems to enjoy mealtime!
We also seem to have finally found a sippy cup he likes. Carter is doing really well with it. We're not sure how much he really likes water but at least he can get it when he wants it.
Carter's favorite activity this week is banging two objects together. He thinks its funny and likes to yell while he does it.
Carter actually likes to talk a lot these days. He has gotten pretty good with the Da-Da, hopefully the 'M' sounds will follow soon. When not eating, the child is either talking or laughing.

Carter's other favorite activity this week is looking outside. With the weather being so nice, we have taken Carter out lots more and he seems to really like it.
Last, I wanted to show off Carter's first finger painting. He made it for dad for Valentine's Day. Not quite a Picasso, but still adorable.

To finish off a great week, we took Carter out for Sushi. They were out of high chairs so Carter ate in his first booster seat. He did quite well.

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