Thursday, September 13, 2012

Parker is 10 Months Old

Little Parker has hit double digits!  And isn't so little anymore!
Parker's favorite things these days involve moving.  He loves crawling around the house and pulling up on everything.  He is army crawling and up on all fours.  He also loves eating and his appetite is huge.  He eats 3 meals, 3 snacks a day and 4 bottles/nursing sessions.  He loves eating crunchy things these days as his top two teeth have popped through (that gives him 4).
All his eating has led to a growing boy.  He is around 18lbs and his 9 month clothes are getting a little tight.  He is growing in other ways too.  He tries to clap and we have been teaching/using some baby sign language.  He is pretty good at 'All Done'.  His spoken vocabulary is still lots of "ah" sounds (blah, wah, dada, baba, wawa, occasional mama) with lots of squealing, screeching in an excited tone.  He has no indoor voice and a kind older man who Parker demonstrated his voice for at the grocery store this week suggested he be an army drill Sargent.  He seems to enjoy playing with sounds as his teeth come in and he can make new noises.
As for his favorite activities and toys, Parker really loves anything that involves people interacting with him... particularly Carter.  He loves to explore the house and chase the dogs.  He prefers to be where the family is but will play by himself for a while periodically.  He gets upset when he falls (which happens a lot while trying to cruise or pull up) and when brother takes the toy in his hand (which happens a lot with a 2 year old).  But generally he is happy and smiley.
Overall Parker is a wonderful addition to our family.  He is so much fun to snuggle with and his smile brightens anyone's day!  He's noticeably closer to being a toddler these days which is very bittersweet!  Happy 10 months little guy!

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