Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekly Recap

Whew... it was a really busy but super fun week!  Mom now officially works part-time, the boys are on their new school schedule, Carter went to the dentist, Tech played their first home football game and so much more!  Here is a recap of our crazy week!

On mom's first day with the boys, she asked Carter what he wanted to do.  He picked the zoo.  So he packed up his purse...
And off we went!  He will love this picture one day.  He did fill the purse with cars if that helps any and the purse is actually his baby ark.  The zoo was great because it was empty mid-week.  Carter had the playground all to himself and he showed off his climbing skills (he loves to tell people he is a climber).
 He and Parker also took a ride together on the see-saw.
After the playground we made our usual rounds checking out all the animals.  Carter's favorite spot was the reptile house.  He walked around twice asking mom what each animal was.
 He then decided he wanted to sit and watch the snakes (he loves to "watch" things).
It took a LOT of convincing but mom finally got Carter to leave the reptile house.  After nap time, we fit in a little art project... A for Alligator.
On Thursday, mom took both boys to Carter's first dentist appointment.  He did great.  I was prepared for lots of tears, screaming and running for the door but there was none of that.  He laid down while the hygienist cleaned, flossed and did a fluoride treatment.  He didn't even get scared of the electric toothbrush.  
The dentist had no concerns about his teeth other than he has a small jaw so braces are definitely in his future.  He got a goody bag with a bouncy ball, rudder duck (an extra one for Parker too) and the standard dental care supplies.  His favorite thing was his new toothbrush which he used the whole way home.
 Seriously, the whole way home!
He even asked if we could go back to the dentist the next day.  When the boys weren't hanging out with mom they were at school or with Memaw.  Both boys had a great week at school.  Carter asked if he could go on Friday, I think only going 2 days a week makes it so much more exciting for him.  He loves packing his bag and tells his teacher who gets him out of the car to hurry up and push the button so he can go (the button to unlock his car seat).  Hopefully his enthusiasm continues throughout the year.  On Friday he was the "Big Bunny" at school so he got do update the weather/calendar, have a special sign on his chair and be the line leader to the playground.  His teacher said he kept telling everyone he was the leader.

On school day afternoons, the boys have loved hanging out with Memaw.  On Friday they broke out the water table and loved it!

Parker (9 months)
Developmentally, Parker is continuing to grow.  He has started crawling a little on all fours this week.  His top tooth is all the way through so it seemed to be bothering him less by the end of the week.  We can feel his other top one through his gums so it will probably come in in a few weeks.  He has also been working on his clapping this week which is adorable to watch!
Hanging out in my diaper in brother's bed

Carter (2 years, 4 months)
Carter is such a funny little kid these days.  He loves to pretend and is very sure about things.  He will endlessly tell mom/dad they are wrong when he doesn't agree that something is small vs. big or he believes the letter C is an S.
Flying his plane with co-pilots Mickey and Pluto

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