Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (9 months)
Parker has decided he is no longer content to stay still, baby is on the move!  He likes to crawl everywhere...
and is pulling up anytime he can.
He started the week working on pulling to standing...
and perfected it by the end.  He is crawling everywhere, going from sitting to crawling and vice versa, pulling up and cruising on the sofa, coffee table and baby gates.  He loves to hold hands and walk around.

He is also in full teething mode as his top right tooth has popped through.  So he is a babbling, drooling mess.  He loves to say "dada" and "baba".  He's very funny how teething means lots of talking for Parker.

The teething has been bothering him some at night so hopefully that pass soon.  Fortunately he is generally happy throughout the day!

Carter (2 years, 3 months)
It was a big week for Carter as he had to say "Good-bye" to his old daycare and all his friends there.  He has been in a class with a lot of those children for 2 years so he can't remember a time without them.  Hopefully it's harder for mom/dad than him!  He is excited about his new school, mainly because they have new toys, so hopefully he focuses on the new stuff not the old.  Here are a few pictures before school from boys' last day at Oxford.

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